Wednesday 28 October 2009

Beer festival in Chepstow

The historic George pub in Chepstow will also be holding a beer festival this weekend from Thursday 29th October through to Sunday 1st November 2009. The george, owned by the Barrucuda Group will be featuring mainly beers from marstons but also some from a local brewery.

The ales that will be stocked are:

Dogs Bollocks abv 5.2%
Hobgoblin abv 4.5%
Ringwood Old Thumper abv 5.6%
Ringwood Best Bitter abv 3.8%
Jennings Worlds Biggest Liar abv 4.3%
Jennings Sneck Lifter abv 5.1%

And from the local micro brewery Kingstone, located at Tintern,

Kingstone Gold abv 4.0%
Kingstone Tewdricks abv 3.8%
Kingstone Classic abv 4.5%

Thursday 29th October 2009
£1.99 all day pricing on all ales!

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